Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tis is my 3rd blog

i'm george... i gt two blog b4,one is write my feeling then scold by a gal...i directly delete...two is i write abt my feeling n the things tat happen on me, den suddenly gt mad on tis monday 23.3.09.morning...i mad n deleted it.thk back nw feel a bit down y i so emo n deleted it?..bt it past oledi.so today 24.3.09.my cousin n i create a new blog.the title is...BADBOY... we thk a long time jus thk of tis charming title...XD...tis blog i jus tel few person cox i donno y...mayb emo again?...XP...1st blog i do it nt reli nice...2nd i do it very nice...3rd i hope tat i can make it better n nicer than 2nd blog...so come come come n support BEN & GEORGE...XP...thx for all visitor n the comment.


  1. wahh...dun get mad so easily lw lo tis time...=)

    haha....ur title v charming meh?xD

  2. im d same person with d comment upstairs...u knw who i m?xD

  3. lols...sure...grace...xp...rmb pt ur name at the back ya next time...^^...george
