Tuesday, March 31, 2009

On when we have never loved

No talent of my love well love hurts
From the passers-by to stay out of you like a question but
Let the feeling slowly cooling
Unbridled soul you want to run there
I like to stay out of passers-by can not say
My heart has been missing temperature
This situation the loss of infinite thoughts only possible disruption
You become better familiar with the cooling night love is no longer complete
On when we have never loved
When there is no one on our mistake
They do not care about their commitment to recovery
Freedom from the future, love it
May be a free hand to meet future
Friends also as regards
The quality of my memories are all locked up
I love to see the true features to be freed

Monday, March 30, 2009

xD jUsT WaN tO SaY sMtH

i jus wan to say happy birthday to my bestfren.......
happy 16th birthday dude
frens forever...


Friday, March 27, 2009

FiRsT bLoG In mY LiFe

George & |3E|\|

u all noe who m i rite????
for those who donno...
i m ben...
and george is my cousin....
this is the first blog dat i ever rite in my life....
wanted to blog few days ago but was bz wif sch work, tution and others....
my sch exam comin soon so i wont b bloggin much i guess....
i tink dats all for now...


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tis is my 3rd blog

i'm george... i gt two blog b4,one is write my feeling then scold by a gal...i directly delete...two is i write abt my feeling n the things tat happen on me, den suddenly gt mad on tis monday 23.3.09.morning...i mad n deleted it.thk back nw feel a bit down y i so emo n deleted it?..bt it past oledi.so today 24.3.09.my cousin n i create a new blog.the title is...BADBOY... we thk a long time jus thk of tis charming title...XD...tis blog i jus tel few person cox i donno y...mayb emo again?...XP...1st blog i do it nt reli nice...2nd i do it very nice...3rd i hope tat i can make it better n nicer than 2nd blog...so come come come n support BEN & GEORGE...XP...thx for all visitor n the comment.


Ben eating pie beef~~

tis was GEORGE. he was eating beef pie

location:starbuck n memory n cinema
type of car:pajero
name of ppl: Ben,George